Landscape planning
Managing landscape change for a better future.
We are a registered landscape architecture practice that specialises in landscape planning and pre-planning landscape architecture.
We undertake landscape and visual assessments and appraisals for a wide range of development types, including residential, mixed-use and renewable energy. We provide mapping, photography and visualisations as part of our work.
We are often engaged at the site promotion stage to provide a landscape evidence base. Much of our work is connected to planning applications. We also work on planning appeals, including attending appeal hearings and giving expert evidence at planning inquiries.
Our core services are
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
- Landscape and visual effects chapters for Environmental Statements (for EIA development)
- Landscape and Visual Appraisal
- Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA)
- Feasibility and capacity studies
- Site promotion studies
- Appeal work, including giving expert evidence at planning inquiries
We work across the UK, with an extensive portfolio in the South East. We work across a range of sectors with projects in rural, urban and urban-fringe locations.
Residential and mixed-use development and regeneration
- Urban extensions
- Green belt release sites
- Brownfield developments
Renewable energy and infrastructure projects
- Wind turbines and wind farms
- Solar parks
- Anaerobic digestion schemes
Leisure and tourism development
- Resort developments
- Visitor attractions
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Landscape Appraisal
- Townscape Assessment
- Feasibility and capability studies
- Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis
- Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) plans